11 July 2024

Call Out for Local Poets and Writers

Celebrate International Geodiversity Day with aspiring Jersey Island Geopark!

In honour of International Geodiversity Day on Sunday, October 6th, 2024, aspiring Jersey Island Geopark invites local poets and writers to participate in a special project celebrating our Island’s rich geodiversity. This year’s theme, ‘Conserving the Past – Sustaining the Future,’ aligns perfectly with aspiring Jersey Island Geopark’s mission to protect and promote our unique heritage as we pursue UNESCO Global Geopark status.

Geodiversity encompasses the non-living parts of nature—minerals, fossils, soils, and landscapes—that tell the story of our planet. It’s essential for understanding our past and planning for a sustainable future. From our stunning landscapes to the minerals that drive sustainable economies, geodiversity is at the heart of both conservation and innovation.

Aspiring Jersey Island Geopark is dedicated to sharing Jersey’s unique culture and heritage. We view heritage as a living body which is shaped by time and tide, defined as much by the present as by the past. From the way we remember and cherish our past to how we see ourselves embedded in this ancient place to how we determine our future. Aspiring Jersey Island Geopark wants to give voice to this way of seeing, to remind again how we are just one part of an incredibly complex and wonderous Jersey and how we have been shaped by deep time processes.

This International Geodiversity Day, we want to celebrate this connection through the art of poetry and prose. We call on local poets and writers to lend their voices and creativity to this global celebration by responding to Jersey’s unique geodiversity. Share your reflections on how understanding our past and valuing our heritage can help us as a community to better enjoy our Island. Tell us why you love Jersey’s nature and how it plays a part in your sense of identity and belonging.


How to Participate:

Submit your poems and short prose (maximum 2 pages) that reflect on the theme ‘Conserving the Past – Sustaining the Future.’ Selected works will be featured in a special poetry and prose reading night at the Jersey Museum – find out more here. The works will also be published on aspiring Jersey Island Geopark’s social media and website, reaching a wider audience.

Submission Deadline: 26 September 2024

Theme: Geodiversity, Conserving the Past – Sustaining the Future

Languages: we welcome writings in Jèrriais and English

Email Submissions to: [email protected]

Include: Your name, contact information, and a brief bio.


Join us in celebrating the intricate story of our Island’s geological heritage and its significance to our future. Let’s make International Geodiversity Day 2024 a moment to remember through the power of poetry and prose.

Geodiversity: Biodiversity's Silent Partner